Thursday, September 27, 2012

The humour of a 12 year old

I remember when I was twelve like it was yesterday. that a few weeks. Yeah, a few weeks ago. It seems only very recently that I was twelve years of age. At the time, I was just discovering the internet; I was doing so by joining various forums and burning out my pent up youth energy by posting like a madman who had 'nothing to lose'. I was never much of a popular kid at school so I kind of found a sort of refuge in the internet, a world where I was accepted...sort of. The great thing was that, due to the youth energy of a twelve year old, I found that I was able to endear myself to people that I met. I wasn't one of those nooblords playing CoD that taught people facts about their mothers while spamming the ACR-red dot-no scope-sniper elite-mega haxxor or whatever. I was one of those guys the was (probably, I can't really be sure) annoying in chatbox and made lots of posts (replying to everything, the instant it was updated, refreshing the homepage of the forum) and excelled in typing skills after having to survive in a world where touch typing was manditory for relative success.

Anyway, I just lost track of where I was heading because I just took a 40 minute writing break. I'll try to pick up where I left off. Oh yeah.

Something I found was that I was really good at writing. I scored pretty high at school in English class with essays and stuff without studying so I guess it either came from me reading a lot or trying to not look illiterate on the internet. Good at writing + youth energy of a 12 year old led to my (back then) humourous writing style that I found endeared myself to random 20+ year olds on the internet. I mean, I'm not sure myself what made it so funny. I guess it was the thinking of a 12 year old put into a cohesive medium that actually made some sense after all. I would post on a forum or a chatbox and people would have a great time lulzing at something that I didn't really understand.

This brings me to my point. Something I've noticed is that now (a few years later and a lot more life experience later) my writing is not nearly as humourous. It might be satirical and at best chuckle worthy, but not the same fun filled writing of my 12 year old self. So I wonder, why has it changed? Is it my loss of innocence through the years? Is it just that I've matured? Is it just part of aging? Or maybe the youthful energy of a 12 year old is simply filled with naivety that draws people away from the pressures of adult life; similar to how the aging and the elderly enjoy the prescence of children.

I'm not sure what was in my mind as I typed away at 12 years of age. I would just write the first thing in my mind, almost without a second thought. People seems to legit enjoy chatting with me or enjoy my totally awesome forum posts and I felt this really good "lively" vibe in every one of my writings; it was usually humourous and exciting. Occasionally, people would compliment me for my writing or somesuch (no, they didn't know I was 12. I guess I sounded like a foreigner?) and express how they had lulz'd about what I wrote for a bit before moving on with their mundane lives. Do all adults enjoy the feeling of youth energy? The feeling of being young again is rather nice I suppose. I don't really know since I haven't even hit 20 yet. I'm just speculating that everyone would like to be young again (provided that their childhood was enjoyable) and have a carefree existance. Who wants to pay taxes, worry about finance and future investments, think about establishing a successful life? Who wouldn't want to sit down and enjoy their time with friends and have everything done for them? I'm not saying this in the way that everyone should just ditch everything and become hobos; responsibility is part of life after all.

These days, though, I don't post half as much as I used to on forums. I hardly go on chatboxes (something I used to be really proud of). My writing, as I mentioned earlier, is more mature but also less lively. It's not really 'driving' interesting in my opinion. The humour is not as active as it used to be. The youth energy of a 12 year old has long passed.

This is what I wonder about, what made the 12 year old me so different from who I am now? Is it what I've experienced in life since then? I know for sure the 12 year old's naivety has left, replaced with a 15 year old's  naivety. I'm not sure how things have changed, but I know that they've changed for sure.

P.S. I know I restated things a few times. Call me Obama or something. I learned somewhere that restating things in a speech (I didn't do it intentionally here though) is an excellent way of making points stick.

P.P.S This post was powered by "How far we've come" on repeat

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The feeling of attraction is mildy annoying...

I know for a fact that I'll sound really gay, abnormal and "why...would you even" to most guys (I don't know about girls, they seem to be more emotion based), but I'm going to talk about an annoying thing with...attraction.
As a starter, I'm a pubescent male that's currently going through, as you might have guessed, puberty. I've actually never had a girlfriend for a multitude of reasons. On of with is I simply can't be bothered. I have better things to do than indulge in talking to a female that I find important. Study > female relations. It's harder to learn when you're older anyway. This'll make some of my information seem lacking in credentials, but remember, I'm just talking about my experience, not whatever sk8terladd291YOLO24123one thinks is swag bra.

Sometimes when I'm browsing around the internet (or in real life, but more often on the interwebs, as all the stuff is packed into the form of a electronic signal displayed on a 15inch LCD), I'll see a picture. It's not a normal picture either. It's a picture of a rather pretty lady. Not sexy, not cute (referring to my first post on attraction), but pretty. Somewhere around lvl 2-3; so like...maybe...~2.5? I'm not going to give an example picture of this because "it'll make you [me] seem really sad...". But you probably get the point.

So I see a pretty picture. All of a sudden, overwhelming feelings of sadness and loneliness well in my heart. I suddenly feeling like going out into the world and finding a girlfriend. Not in the sense that "woah, bro, I need to have a quickie" but like "I require a strong companion relationship with a female". 
I think I read something like this in one of the Tales of the Otori books (by Lian Hearn, a fictional period book. Not the biological period, you sick bastard. The era type.). There was a quote made by a female character regarding how men react to her beauty and the beauty of the major female character (who is meant to be really beautiful). I don't remember the exact quote, but the idea was something like "When men see me, they lust and wish to sleep with me. When men see [her], they weep for they can not hope of ever reaching her." I guess kinda like "GOML" (internet) or "She's out of your league." (Real life)

You could say that I'm experiencing the same thing as those weeping guys. I'm not the type of guy that gives out a manly grunt of "YEEAAHHH!" while simultaneously thrusting the air when I see an attractive woman. I'm delicate about this sort of thing. I'm...hmm...cultured? I don't know. I'm sure many women can look at this post and be like "wow...creep". But hey, it's my honest opinion. Who's going to sue me for it? *Maybe China if I was in China*

Yeah so...feelings of loneliness and needing companionship. Maybe I just need someone to talk to? In any case, these frustrated feelings die out after a few minutes. On with life!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

About writing in blogs

The way I like to write my blog is to write whatever I like, kinda like a diary, and the post it. I find this more relieving than writing in a real diary because for one, I'm typing it, and the other thing is that it's on the internet. This makes me feel like people are paying attention, regardless of how many views and comments I actually receive.
Some people write about games and have game review blogs or movie review blogs or even K-pop devotion blogs that host countless number of illegal files from their favorite artists. I find that writing about random ideas that come into my mind is rather satisfying. I like typing as well.

Friendships - breaking point

I'm not sure if this happens to everyone, but there's a point in your friendship (with a friend, obvs) that you get to where things aren't like they used to be. Not in the "you know what I mean way." I've never had a girlfriend, but I imagine that things are kinda like this when you're about to "break up" (of course, I have no experience, so don't take me seriously here).
Basically, after we came back from camp, me and my friend started talking a bit less and stuff like that. I'm a bit of a sensitive, so I noticed this really easily. I kinda felt like "things aren't going that well". Of course, I didn't say this, it's not like we're married or something, but I started to figure some stuff out. E.G, the clingier you get in your relationship, the faster and harder it will fall. I find that this happens in a variety of situations. For example, in China, religion is governed very strictly and being religious puts you out of favour of the government. However, the growth of religion in China (by percentage) is much larger than the growth of religion in countries that don't have such restrictions.  The Chinese government tries to hold religion in a tighter fist, but it slips from their grasp and grows.
I basically figured out that I was becoming a really clingy friend that doesn't lay off peoples backs (think of the girlfriend meme). So I just decided to go back to my old thought process of doing whatever the hell I wanted and putting less consideration into other people stuff. Not in a bad way, I mean like, stop asking how they are or how their dinner was etc. What I basically used to do was lord over all of my friends and act kinda like the alpha male. I thought I was being too controlling, but after this, I've figured out that male friendship groups require that one douchy, mildly loud alpha male that dominates conversations to run smoothly. In the good way, of course.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

On holiday

It's a weird feeling being on holiday. All of a sudden, I have nothing to do for the next two weeks. Most people are like "HUZZAH!!" and all, but I've got nothing really to look forward to. My first holiday impression was dampened after being told I'll get dropped from my scholarship if I don't pick up my school grades by the school headmaster. I know it's true, but I feel terrible about it. I'm going to try study a lot and learn new things this holiday but I can't shake the feeling that it won't work or something.
I also have this really big assignment over the holidays that I almost have no idea on how to start on.
I just got back from watching The Hunger Games (yes, I've read the books ages ago. I'm not jumping on the band-wagon) and I'm still kinda out of reality. When I watch movies, I get really into them. If I liked it, I can't stop thinking about it for a few days and I pretty much obsess over it. It's kinda annoying.

Finally, I'm not sure why, but I've got a sudden urge to listen to 'Oh!' by SNSD...

Alot of things on my mind

I got a lot of things on my mind that I want to write on here. I'll do them later.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

End of school term

Turns out the space bar doesn't work when you hold down shift.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Maths test

I have a maths test tomorrow that I missed out on a lesson for. So since I don't know this one formula, I'm certainly going to be screwed for this one question. The only reference I have is this hastily scribbled notes I got from a friend. To be honest, I can't even really understand them.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Phoney Kony 2012

If you've seen the Kony 2012 video by InvisibleChildren Inc. then I suggest that you watch this following video. I'm not going to say whether I agree or disagree with it, I'm just saying that he has some interesting points.


I actually have so much homework.


I was in a rush this morning trying to get my homework done for school. This meant that I wasn't able to eat a delicious bowl of noodles. Instead, my mum thought it would be suitable for me to drink some natural smoothie thing/protein shake that wasn't properly blended. It had a really strong off chocolate flavour and really thick and lumpy. Uhhgg...I had to drink it so fast. I feel so sick.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

That's awkward

So many of the blog views are from random advertising sights and Russia....
I don't understand.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

SSP: Dragon Age "speed art" photomontage

Just your average shameless self promotion. This was my first time using Photoshop. I needed a wallpaper.


It seems that Beats by Dre. are a really popular brand of headphones. Everyone raves about how awesome they are and then get fakes from Hong Kong because real ones are overpriced. I've heard the sound quality of real ones and they're not that great. Perhaps the only model that lives up to expectations are the Studio Beats. Everything else sounds the same as $60 headphones you could get from JB-HIFI. To be honest Bose and Sennheiser provide a better quality sound, but only half the glamour of your average Beats. I'm not sure if the same can be said for the rest of the Monster produced headphones (Beats are manufactured by Monster) but I'd rather not waste my $200+ dollars on testing it out.

Monday, February 27, 2012

That's quite amusing

I used to run this other blog with some friends of mine. It's still up, but don't look at it; it's crap.
ANYWAY the funny thing is, that blog gets about 150 views a month by not doing anything. That's because at the time, me and my friends put in lots of keywords such as "ipod review", "FIFA", "ASCII art" and stuff like that. Oh yeah, it's also got that stupid smiley face thing. I'll post it here.
Now I'm going to get about 20 more views a month
You won't believe how many people look for this image. It's pretty good, my old blog seems to have developed self-awareness and is actively pulling in views by its self.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Annoying feeling

I've got the feeling that I should be doing something progressive (it's the weekend, and I like improving over the weekends) but I can't figure out what it is I'm meant to be doing. I have some school stuff due next week but I don't know if I'm meant to be working on it. Maybe it's because I don't want to leave the computer, I'm not sure. I've also got some personal goals that I set for myself. I know that if I don't work on them, I'll consider this weekend a failure and then regret wasting all this time when Monday comes around. I'm not sure whether I should work on this instinct or not but I'm pretty sure I'm just being indecisive or lazy. I think I have some study to do, but I just revised my maths to a month ago. Maybe I should do it again, just to be sure. Or maybe I could go and work on the piano. I don't know. I think when people know that they have something they need to do, they chose not to do it and instead try to find something else to do. The exact reason for this I'm not quite sure, but I'm pretty certain it's got something to do with human nature.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Story time: Broseph

Hey Kidz!
Let's hope Broseph never actually sees this.
Just introducing the characters of this story time.
There's this guy at our school that we all call "Broseph". He's kinda tall, kinda fat (he admits it so it's ok to say), and he rarely gets aggro. Oh yeah, he can be annoying as hell when he wants.
Our second character is called (for the sake of the story) "Cable". He gets pissed really easily and goes rage. Like remember that video of the German kid raging after losing Counter-Strike or something? Yeah like that. He also punches really well (first hand experience).
Our supporting characters are "Library drifters" because they hang around in the library. I'm one of them.
I'll first tell the story from my POV.
I'm chilling around (in the library) when I head loud swearing and random death threats like [Show profanities] and stuff like that.
Anyway I didn't see the whole thing myself, but after a bit of investigating here's what I gathered.
Broseph had been annoying Cable when Cable starts shouting at Broseph and making a general commotion. Broseph just stands there. Cable then punches Broseph four times in the head/teeth. Broseph just stands there (possibly in shock) and Cable screams threats as they're broken up by a guy I know (that plays Starcraft and is a major game nerd/occasional jerk). The library is on fire with the event and everyone's talking about it. Apparently Broseph got a fractured tooth. I haven't had the chance to speak to the man himself, but Broseph hang around the same areas so it shouldn't be too hard.
I think the most important part of the whole thing is that Broseph didn't punch back. While a bunch of guys called him a pussy for not fighting back, you have too keep in mind; it's a lot harder to not punch back when you're angry and you've been hit. I wholeheartedly congratulate Broseph for his control and skillz.
It seems that the most violent place in the school is the library. Hardly a day goes my when there isn't a minor scrap/rage up in there.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What makes a blog boring?

Is it looking at the huge chunk of text and then thinking "tl;dr" or the fact that there's no sound and movement like a video that can grab our short, modernized attention spans?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kinda story time: Facebook vs reality

   Ok children (speaking to kids), today I will tell you a kinda story. It's called a kinda story because it's not much of a story as an observation.
A few days ago I got some of my friend's Facebook photos and GIMP'd (a free Photoshop-ish thing) some really gimp photo together (Unfortunately, the monkeys at the server screwed up and you can't see it anymore. lol jks I'm just protecting privacy). I'd like to say that it was commented on by tonnes of people but it wasn't. A few of my friends said a few things and stuff and the guy who's photos I took was making a minor big deal about it (like, a big deal that isn't really that big of a deal). That's still an exaggeration.
   Anyway, the next day no one said anything about it even though it definitely seemed like the guy wanted some clarification on the photo-montage I made. So I had to bring it up and it was an ok conversation. But that's not the point. The point is that it seems that Facebook and reality are in two different worlds, even though one clearly exists in the other. It's like Fight Club or something. If you argue on Facebook/have a really awesome discussion, you won't talk about it when you meet the next day.
   I legit spent 10 minutes of my day (not in one period) asking people if they saw the picture and what they thought of it. I also asked for feedback on what to improve. But, they all kinda acted like it was a weird question to ask (don't worry, I'm kinda known as a weird guy), like I was asking about their sister they had never told me about. Like "wtf, u tolkin about Facey (Facebook) irl ayyy?" but not actually like that because my friends aren't douchebags.
   But I digress: Everyone acts like Facebook is a whole different world and what is brought up in that world stays there. This photo thing isn't the only instance of this happening, otherwise it'd be called "Me complaining that no one appreciated my fine art".

I should be doing study

I got two B's in English and I.T (like computer stuff). I feel really stupid. I was 1 mark off an A- in the recent English test and in I.T I forgot to read the criteria sheet and I missed one requirement. ARRRRRGGGG!!!!
I'm meaning to change my habits, but I want them to change NOW. I know you need to work towards change and that it comes slowly, but I wish that I could become some super hard working guy overnight. *sigh* I guess I gotta work harder then.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Hello children (in the least creepy way possible),

Today I'm going to tell you a story of how one guy manages to accidentally hurt me, twice.
Basically I was lying down on a beanbag (as you do) when the guy (let's call him "David") joins the conversation (yeah, I was having a conversation). Somehow 1+1 then = 2 then 2+2 = 4. "David" threw a hat directly into my open left eye. The hat ricocheted a full 3 feet off my eye as I screamed profanities and moaned in agony, rolling on the floor oddly. I couldn't see for five minutes. For the next resulting days, I had a blind spot in my left eye when looking in the dark. I think it's getting better.

Part 2: I was propped against a brick wall (in the same place as last time) when somehow the conversation turns into a random semi-brawl/pillow fight (don't be fooled, the pillows are made of kevlar or something ridiculous like that. And filled with really heavy sponge. Yeah, like gravel. ). "David" decides it's a genius of a plan to frisbee throw a pillow (they're pretty big and heavy) right into my face. What's great is it didn't hit my eye. What isn't great is that it caused my head to smack like a bitch into the brick wall behind me. Now, my head hurts and I've got a lump on the back of my head about the size of a friggin' uhh.....smaller than a ping-pong ball. A lot smaller.

Anyway, it turns out "David" has a pretty good throwing arm cos' the velocity of the pillow and hat was like a damn javelin being thrown by a Olympic champion.
That's the end of story time for today.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Can't eat breakfast

Sometime, I can't be bothered to eat breakfast. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not all that hungry or because I want to get on the internet. I have to actually think about having breakfast rather than eating spontaneously because I'm hungry

Sunday, February 5, 2012

No need to sleep

It's kinda annoying when it's getting late at night and you need to go to sleep, but you don't feel like sleeping. Why does this happen!?!?!??!!!!!! YYYAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! I'm like "hey, I have school tomorrow. It's 9:30. I could probably stay up til' 10:30. No biggie". But then I realize I actually don't have anything to do, so I just sit there browsing sites that I just checked 5 minutes ago, looking for something to do. D:
WHY DO I WASTE MY TIME SO NEEDLESSLY? I could be using that half hour to study or something. But no! Instead, I decide "Let's refresh the page, someone will probably have posted something new by then". Then I repeat for about an hour or so until my eyes feel like lead balls and I force myself to bed. Is this internet addiction? Far out!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Why does time seem to pass so quickly?

Time really seems to pass super fast. I find that time seems to be going by really fast. Yeah, really. I mean for example, you wake up in the morning like "Oh crap, today is going to be so long" but by the end of the day you're like "Woah...where did the day go?". The conclusion I have come to is either you're having tonnes of fun (time flies when you're having fun) or, you simply can't remember in enough detail of what happened during the day that you think time has gone by really fast. Like, think about it. During that really boring conversation with that guy you know, do you remember all that he was saying? Probably not. If you had a maths class today, do you remember what the professor was saying 30 minutes into the lesson? Probably not. My theory is that, we perceive time by what we are experiencing. That's why when you're living that 2 hour maths lesson, it seems really long. It's because you're currently experiencing what's happening, you haven't forgotten. But once you can't remember what happened during that 2 hour period (like, you only remembered 30 minutes of the lesson) then it seems like time went faster. We only remember 30 minutes of the lesson, then our perception of time shifts with our memory of what happened. Am I making sense?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

When you go on holiday, you enjoy it. That's for the first week until you realise how damn bored you become. When school comes around, it's like God's gift or something. It saves your ass from an eternity of chronic boredom. Man, this just makes me realise how good school is. I've heard other people say that school is the best part of your life. Everything is easier. From meeting friends to learning things. I'm starting to think that they might be right.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Feeling Down hour

I don't know about anyone else, but it seems that everyday at around 4PM I start to get tired and start feeling REALLY melancholy. Like, Here Comes the Sun but to a more extreme level. It's a really weird feeling. Like time and space slow down or something. It's around this time of the day that I sit down, start listening to kinda melancholy music and draw idly for a while until there's someone to talk to. I'm not super sure but it's a bit of an enjoyable feeling sitting there while some magical cosmic energy makes you feel like time has turned into a long tunnel or something. That's as close as I can get to describing the feeling of melancholy. A happy mixed with sadness that stretches for eternity. I'm so poetic. I need to be paid for this.

The music I listen to during this time usually heavily influences my drawing. Kinda in an artistic way. Like if I listened to metal, I wouldn't start drawing fake religious symbols or anything but more sharpness would be there. And I usually just listen to the same song 30 times until I finish my drawing because it's kinda dragging on like the melancholy feeling, I usually find listening to another song breaks my concentration during this time anyway. It's almost like the song is the carrier of this melancholy afternoon energy.

Recently, I've been listening to some BigBang stuff. You know k-pop right? I shouldn't even ask that question. Wow... Kids react to k-pop got me a bit annoyed at some of the kids. But I'm naive and biased as s*** so don't take my anger seriously. Especially "Love Song" and "Haru Haru" (the latter of which is telling a sad story too) over and over again. It adds to the melancholy and also stabilizes it.
The melancholy feeling usually ends after a while, around 5:30 - 7PM but I'm feeling a bit melancholy just by writing this. I feel like I have so much more to say and explain, but I'll just end it here before I start writing forever on a never ending story.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why do people watch dramas and reality TV shows?

This was a question that I used to ask myself alot. Like, "Why would you bother? You have your own life to worry about and everything." and "It's so boring! A nice Bruce Willis movie is much better." It probably wasn't until this year that I realized why people watch dramas and reality TV shows. People that don't watch these shows will say it's because we want to live someone else's life or something. But it sure doesn't feel like that when I watch them.

It's something more like, there is a story here to be told and since it involves real people that are not completely scripted (and therefor feel organic). With cameras filming real people, it's not like reading a book where you know when it ends and when you need to start feeling disappointed because it's ending.
Also, watching the people in reality TV is just like watching/reading your favorite story but in super detailed form. For example, if you're some guy who's addicted to Harry Potter, you'd want to watch what he does in his average day right? Not just a shortened version with only the important stuff but also the stuff in between, like him talking to his pals and having a great time or whatever makes you happy as an addicted fan.
Once you start empathizing with the characters, you start kindof living through them. Not in the sense that you want their life but you want to enjoy the same good times that they had with their friends and so on.
I mean, what's better? A. Watching a movie or B. Watching a whole television series of your favorite characters having fun and chilling out
It's a bit like how you watch a movie and then, after a while you start liking the actor more than the movie (but if you're a cult follower of the movie, your most likely next stage is fanfiction *shudder* and then eventually, character shipping *really big shudder*) Then you start looking up background info on that actor/actress and then you become so obsessed with them that you wish you knew EVERYTHING about that person (which is when you start looking at reality TV shows).
C'mon, I don't watch that! Puh lees. What do you think I am?
In many cases, this can lead to an obsession so absolute that you want to be them (and to an extent you want to believe it too). Terrible to say, but its something that the fans can't control. If you're naturally like that, the best thing to do is just to keep away from it.
hehe. LUCKLY for me, the more I watch reality TV shows of things I like, the less I become obsessed with it because I see the underlayer of the outside superstar  and I'm like "Yeah...not as awesome as the outside suggests..."

I guess another reason people like to watch dramas and reality TV is that, straight up, it provides you and your pals something to gossip about like the gossipy gits you are. Now, I've never had that delightful chance before but I imagine that it would be a rather addictive conversation that could drag on for hours until the next episode airs. It's also a quick way to make friends if you both watch the same show.
But for whatever your strange reason for liking dramas/reality TV shows are, you have to admit. They're damn addictive and kinda hard to stop watching. Kinda? I mean freaking damn hard.


Friday, January 6, 2012

I'm sure stranger things have happened.

Not trying to be a domestic war journalist or something, but in this last hour all my farts have had a really peculiar smell. Like, it's something I can't quite describe. You know how normal fart smell like egg or something? Well my farts were something akin to egg that had been bleached and then soaked in kerosene. Actually, to be more precise it smells like something that hasn't been invented yet. Perhaps a smell that God didn't quite figure out when he was crafting us out of the vast emptiness. I better get a Nobel Peace Prize for solving any future conflicts about this smell.
This made perfect sense.

Battlefield 1942 theme on floppy drives [MrSolidSnake745]

MrSolidSnake745 's Youtube channel

Watch this, then realize exactly how bored you are.

It's pretty awesome anyway. Basically how it works is that [complicated stuff] makes the drive move at different speeds and thus, create different sounds. More drives for more layers of music.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Attraction Levels (towards females, that is)


This is how I grade attraction to females in my odd mind. I have four different categories and each one has 3 different ever shifting levels. There are Hot, Beautiful/Pretty (beautiful is leaning a bit towards "hot"), Cute, Personality.
I was totally going to make a proper chart for this but Im a major slacker, so I think that can come later.
AAnnd the stuff from "Pretty" is from a friend of mine, since I have no experience.

Categories: Hot Pretty Cute Personality
Level 1: "Dayum!" *Sigh...* Awwww! Talking non-stop
Level 2: "I'd tap 'dat" Sharing a cake omg that's cute REALLY good friends
Level 3: *Writes new chapter
in Karma Sutra*
Romantic kiss under
midnight fireworks
I guess you could 
get married

You know you want it...
And I mean, totally, you could get married in any category but in terms of long lasting-ness, personality match is your best bet. And it is possible for someone to be in multiple categories, unless it's contradictory. Like, someone who is Kawaii and Karma Sutra level is kinda impossible. I mean, how will you be able to take them seriously in bed looking like Hamtaro?

Don't take this whole thing seriously though, listening to me talking about this is like believing the Samus Aran is a guy. Trust.